Friday, July 2, 2010
Our Blog has moved to our actual web-site
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Vail in the Spring!

I just spent almost a week out at Vail (at the Antlers), cycling every day out along the Golf Course - still just a little snow at the tops of the mountains and...SO GREEN! - dry, sunny, cool - thought you would enjoy this picture that I took one day cycling. The plus was the Artists Festival in Lionshead over the weekend - really interesting art and sculpture and jewelry. See you soon!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A few new faces, an extreme case of confidence, and large dose of optimism was not the formula that would propel the Antlers into the post season playoffs. This softball season ended on Monday and we all walked away from the beautiful Ford Fields feeling like gladiators. We did the best we could, but in the end we lay bloody on the field, clinging to life. We would re-group and do it again, for 8 weeks, as the frenzied crowd chanted "death to ghost" every Monday. We lost every game, again, but returned to please the masses as the life was kicked out of us week after week after week.
We did make several huge leaps toward respectability and this beat writer would like to point out some differences from last years inaugural season and share some player comments with our loyal fan(s).
No major injuries for one. We lost a few arms and legs and I remember a couple of eyes that were taken out and we're still looking for Eric's ear, but other than that, nothing serious. Just a few cuts and bruises that were worn proudly and displayed for all bar patrons to see whether they wanted to or not.
I asked coach/pitcher Tom Schlader what he was most impressed with this season and he replied "On 3 different occasions, players from other teams said you guys don't suck as bad as last year".
Darci Walls, the ever so consistent catcher and team leader added "We only lost by 4 runs in one game".
Crissy Greenawalt, the swift right fielder that has been recruited by teams as far away as Washington made this observation. "We would have beaten Loaded Joes but some guy in left field makes this rolling, tumbling catch when we were only 3 goals away from overtime".
One of the new faces on the team, Amy Scherm, who could play anywhere on the field, knew in her heart "Our record is no indication of how bad we are. Let me re-phrase that".
Randi Davis, the wily veteran and stellar 2nd base person seemed relieved. "I can't promise I"ll be back next year. All the other old guys on the team never showed up.
The beer after the game is good though and I do remember catching a ball or making an out or getting a hit or something".
As it is, no one has quit their day job and we are all back to where we belong. We can only watch the playoffs from behind the fence as fans now. We hold are heads high and know we did everything we could to try and be part of the post season, but we just came up a little short. No, we came up a lot short.
I asked Rob LeVine as he was cleaning out his locker, a blue Toyota Prius, how he felt about the season. His eyes gleamed and even though I saw a trace of sorrow in them, he said "This is a great group of fighters and I assure the softball world the funding is there for next season".
The Saint that leads his martyrs into battle. Stay tuned.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
2008 Colorado River Ride

Randi Davis (our controller) and her architect husband Danny on their tandem (hanging out about six inches off of their back wheel is truly one of my most happy places in the whole world)

Kent Rose ... past mayor of Vail, a stalwart of our regular Wednesday night mountain biking group, and the only guy I know to once ride to Steamboat and back (200 miles) in one day

Lee Rimel & Charlie Dolan ... Both Wednesday night vets. Charlie's a builder extraordinaire and Lee built and owns the 10th Mountain Division Hut System's newest hut at the top of Tennesee Pass ... the Continental Divide Hut

Nate Free ... past Antlers employee (last millenium), who now runs club sales for the Sonnenalp golf club and frequent biking pal of Randi & Danny
Sadly, Ratz, Sarah and Marco Pierotti decided to start from Beaver Creek, whereas the rest of us started and finished in Eagle ... so we missed them. Deputy Sherriff Jeff Layman, caught us midway as well. So too bad ... no photos, but they all proudly wore the Antlers Burgundy and Cream as well.

Coming out of Eagle we were full of piss and vinegar ... constantly challenging each other for the head of the paceline. Well, maybe not ... but you get the idea.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Antlers Anniversaries
While hosting guests from Vail, Colorado and across the country (or world!) for social events is wonderful for us, we are even more excited when it is our condominium owners who think of the Antlers for their intimate events. It’s just one more way of showing the Antlers truly is a ‘home away from home’.
This August Lowell and Carol Geithman will be hosting their family and closest friends at the Antlers for their 50th Wedding Anniversary. With the help of Pan for Hire, our in-house catering, and the Geithman’s own special drink, Cataba, we’re expecting a festive evening, celebrating their best memories of the last 50 years. However, the Geithman’s aren’t the only Antler’s owners coming up on 50 years together! The Antlers will also be host to Charlie and Helen Wachendorfer’s family when they celebrate their 50th in 2009.
Congratulations to everyone who has celebrated a special event at the Antlers this year – we’re glad you’ve chosen to include us in your lifelong memories.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
En el Antlers at Vail, amamos nuestro trabajo!
Razones por las cuales preferir Antlers at Vail
Quienes laboramos en el Antlers at Vail, amamos nuestro trabajo! Nos encanta lo que hacemos y sentimos pasión por el servicio a nuestros huéspedes.
Sabemos que planificar sus vacaciones no fue un trabajo sencillo y usted aspira a que su decisión haya sido acertada. Nosotros los sabemos, por eso nuestro director de primeras y ultimas impresiones lo recibe con una amplia sonrisa y la primera frase que escucha en esta tierra es: "Bienvenido a Casa!". No lo dejará ni cargar su equipaje.
Conocemos también que usted tiene un presupuesto asignado para esta vacación y nosotros no queremos que lo exceda, sino que sea inferior. Usted no pagará por el servicio de parqueo, tampoco pagará por la entrega del periódico matutino, ni por el servicio de limpieza de su habitación o por el uso de nuestras instalaciones. Nuestro trabajo es servirle a usted y que tenga la experiencia mas cómoda posible con una tarifa justa y razonable que lo incluye todo!
Lo ayudamos a programar sus actividades recreativas:
Si desea esquiar, nuestros agentes le pueden ayudar a programar la compra de sus tickets
Si desea cenar y quiere que se le recomiende un lugar, consúltenos. Nuestros agentes conocen los mejores lugares de acuerdo a sus requerimientos.
Si tiene que hacer compras en el supermercado, nuestro equipo de transporte coordinará con usted el horario para recogerle y traerlo de vuelta.
Si prefiere quedarse en casa usted contará con más de 200 títulos que puede alquilar, para disfrutar su reposo. Las palomitas de maíz van por nuestra cuenta!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Conference Room - Summer Upgrades
Also look for new buffet risers and a summer beer offering to come to the conference center soon! As always, contact myself or Magda King to get your group in to see the Antlers summer upgrades!
And when you're not stuck in meetings - enjoy the true outdoors!