SPOTLIGHT NEWS......The Antlers at Vail, named one of three finalists by the Vail Valley Partnership for Green Business of the Year.
On Friday we were honored to be in attendance for the Vail Valley Success Awards Banquet. The gala was held at the Ritz-Carlton in Beaver Creek and 10 Antlers employees were dressed in their best "duds" to partake in cocktails, dinner, dancing, good old fashion socializing, and hopefully to accept the award. Rob LeVine, who compiled all the information required for our 10 page finalist application, was giddy with excitement as the master of ceremonies opened the envelope and announced "and the winner is....not the Antlers at Vail".
Rob and the rest of our group were a little disappointed but as is usually the case, we were gracious, held our heads high, ordered a round of martinis and toasted the winners. (I think Rob was looking forward to putting the award next to the "business of the year award" we received in 2004, which is still on display in the lobby).
When Hazel Miller and her small orchestra started up, the dance floor was alive and I personally believe we would have won something if the producers of "Dancing With The Stars" were in attendance. This Antlers group doesn't just excel in the hospitality business. They can "cut a rug" too (see video).
It needs to be mentioned how important this nomination was to us. We at the Antlers have been green and considered it part of the way we do business long before there was an award for doing it. We would like to thank Vail Valley Partnership for their consideration, the Ritz for hosting a fabulous affair, and Hazel Miller for drawing us away from our inhibitions.
Oh, and congratulations to GREEN LIMOUSINE for being honored as the 2007 Green Business of the Year.
Hazel Miller and her small orchestra put everyone in the mood
Monday, January 28, 2008
Mountains Are the Best Medicine's almost February. Year after year, January brings lots of med talk to the Antlers as we host medical conference groups new & old. Academic Hospital Affiliates (AHA) celebrated their 11th year at the Antlers this year! It's almost like they're part of our Antlers' family. Actually, it's exactly like that! Dr Susan Black & Dr Mark Trankina, who host the event with the Cucchiaras, are owners here. We're happy to say that we'll see them all again in 2009 for more skiing... and work, of course!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Ski lay-off....Too Long...
Greg Z. went skiing on Friday for the first time in 8 years. It seems he has struggled with fear, bad memories, no interest, and several other things related to psychological barriers that only Doctor Phil could begin to address. When asked why the sudden change of heart, his response was only "I live here and it's a long time before the golf courses are playable again".
We did a little research on this Antlers employee and found that the he raised 3 children and taught them all how to ski. "I spent a lot of time in the parking lots looking for gloves, putting on boots, and drying tears before an exhilarating day on the cat walks. This was part of the bad memories", he explained. He continued, "when they all got better, I couldn't keep up and I just ended up being brought down on a stretcher. This resulted in my fear. I didn't want any more re-hab in my life. I convinced myself that I had no interest in the sport and my ability was not that of all the legendary skiers in this valley anyway".
He had so much fun on Friday that he went out again for a few hours on Saturday and that his outlook has changed about everything. "I'm back baby! This is fun. There is something for everyone up there. As soon as these legs get back in shape, I' m going to ski with the kids again, but not until they put my boots on and make sure I'm warm enough".
We asked Greg what he enjoyed most about his re-discovered passion and his simple reply was "The views". I had forgotten how beautiful it is".
Any advice for the person that may be thinking as you did? "Get over it. Get up there and dance like no one is watching". He added, "don't push yourself, ski to your own ability, and stop every once in awhile to take in all that's around you".
He told us as he was headed to the hot tub with a cocktail that "I deserve this tub. My legs are burning, I'm exhausted, and it feels great. I never feel like this after a lousy game of golf."
Greg Z. went skiing on Friday for the first time in 8 years. It seems he has struggled with fear, bad memories, no interest, and several other things related to psychological barriers that only Doctor Phil could begin to address. When asked why the sudden change of heart, his response was only "I live here and it's a long time before the golf courses are playable again".
We did a little research on this Antlers employee and found that the he raised 3 children and taught them all how to ski. "I spent a lot of time in the parking lots looking for gloves, putting on boots, and drying tears before an exhilarating day on the cat walks. This was part of the bad memories", he explained. He continued, "when they all got better, I couldn't keep up and I just ended up being brought down on a stretcher. This resulted in my fear. I didn't want any more re-hab in my life. I convinced myself that I had no interest in the sport and my ability was not that of all the legendary skiers in this valley anyway".
He had so much fun on Friday that he went out again for a few hours on Saturday and that his outlook has changed about everything. "I'm back baby! This is fun. There is something for everyone up there. As soon as these legs get back in shape, I' m going to ski with the kids again, but not until they put my boots on and make sure I'm warm enough".
We asked Greg what he enjoyed most about his re-discovered passion and his simple reply was "The views". I had forgotten how beautiful it is".
Any advice for the person that may be thinking as you did? "Get over it. Get up there and dance like no one is watching". He added, "don't push yourself, ski to your own ability, and stop every once in awhile to take in all that's around you".
He told us as he was headed to the hot tub with a cocktail that "I deserve this tub. My legs are burning, I'm exhausted, and it feels great. I never feel like this after a lousy game of golf."
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The Antlers Has Inspired Me

It is easy to get overwhelmed because there are a lot of statistics out there about how much water and energy it takes to make this or that and about how petroleum (i.e. oil and fossil fuels) is burned for the energy to make packaging for products like liquid body wash. That tears it! I'm switching to bar soap in my shower. It's kind of exciting because now I can shop for fancy bars of soap and display them in my bathroom (if I can find space). I like these at Etsy from Dennis Anderson. I would also like to try switching to eco-friendly grocery bags. Up until now, I've been getting plastic bags at the store and saving them (in empty Kleenex boxes - thanks to Amanda) to use as waste basket liners. You can get a whole grocery shopping set for under sixty dollars at Eco Bags.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Vail Ski conditions January 2008
1/28 Three new inches. A little windy up there but it made for an adventure. I cruised all the way over to Blue Ox for the morning. That new Chair 10 is really fun. I hadn't skied those runs for years and year but with the quick lift now in, it is a breeze. Chris R.

1/26 Randi and I, along with friends Nate, Lisa, Tom & Karen, cut it up pretty good from 9:30 to the closing bell. Big day for me ... we covered a lot of the mountain, but the highlights were Widges, back to back Genghis Khan's, followed by back to back Prima Prontos. Oh yeah, and then there was Highline ... Ouch. Major s
oft snow everywhere with lots of freshies, but a pretty good case of retro-thigh nonetheless. Grabbed a bite at Two Elk late, and then off to another one in China Bowl, followed by a Rasputin's that was starting to put the set in set up. Just what I needed after a full day of deep
lunges (as Randi put it). Oh well, it's all good. It was a spectacular day with nothing but sunshine ... got a little fried, but thankfully Lisa had some sunscreen to share on the Teacup lift. Can't wait to do it all again. Rob
1/25 4-5 inches of fresh. Nice, dry and light. I had to work at 11am so only had time for 4 runs. Cry me a river, right?
1/23-24/2008 Sunshine and powder. On Wed. we were all surprised by 4-8 inches depending on where you were on the mountain. John Katapodis (owner of 207) just raved about the conditions.... "it was over my knee in places". It has been one of the best Dec/Jan in memory. Not a lot of huge powder days but just consistent. Hardly an icy day on the mountain since Dec 1st. Can it keep up? Well, perhaps more snow on Friday again. Chris R.
1/21/2008 Back into my morning routine of 5 runs before 10:30am. Great base of snow but it would be nice to receive a couple of inches of fresh to freshen up the runs. No ice mind you, but maybe I'm spoiled now after 2-3weeks of powder. Groomed runs are great but the moguls are getting harder with the cold nights. Trying to poke the moguls head on with my GS skis wasn't working. Hit some lift lines with the Martin Luther King Holiday. Chris R.
1/16 - 17, 2008 Too cold for me to ski. The snow is great but cold. Light snow each day and it is pretty dead up on the hill. If you want the mountain to yourself, now is the time.
1/15/2008 Finally a sunny (and relatively warm) day to ski. Sarah and I were planning on going up for perhaps an hour for a few runs and I stayed up for 3 hours and Sarah skied all day until the end! Dead on the hill. Never a line. Did some runs over in China Bowl and Blue Sky Basin. Sort of sad but we hadn't been over in Blue Sky for weeks. A reminder for how big the mountain is. Chris R.
1/11/2008 Ian from the front desk (he is from South Africa) said it was AMAZING! Ouzo, Chair 2 trees and Sundown bowl. He estimated it was 20 inches deep in the back where it has been piling up for days. It has been snowing pretty hard all day.
1/10 2008 I snuck out this afternoon for a couple runs. I'm afraid it's starting to sound like a broken record ... but a really good broken record. The skiing is simply awesome. Lots of face shots, which are admittedly easier when you're skiing on tele's (half a binding, half a brain). Even when I finally got out there at 2:30 I found a line in Ouzo Glade that had to be a dozen turns of untouched and DEEP. There was another spot near the gulley between Straight Shot and Windows that will also stick in my memory banks for a LONG time. What fun ... hope you can join us soon.

1/9 2008 Randi and I made some runs with Bob & Catherine Michela (518 owners) as well as Bob Magruder and Bob Sorry-I-don't-remember-his-last-name. We had a great time cutting it up in Game Creek. The skiing just doesn't get much better. I took this photo at the top of the Game Creek lift on my new iphone ... which I'm still struggling with a little. Oh well.
1/8-9 2008 No one made a report while I was out of town. Tom S. from engineering and I went up to Steamboat for a little snowmobiling. Roads were terrible. 2 hour drive to Steamboat took 3 hours. They are getting snow too but Vail had a bit more for sure. Started in Colorado near Steamboat lake and ended up in Wyoming. 60 miles round trip. Up near the border the snow was deep! On the car ride back we saw tons of deer near 4-eagle ranch. Only section of good roads were the 4 miles between Wolcott and Edwards. Chris R.
1/7/2008 Oh oh....we are getting tired. Too much snow. I did a quick run into Game Creek, over to Kangaroo, then down the old gondola line from Mid-Vail and I could barely ski. Legs were too tired from all the previous powder and we had 10 inches of snow!
1/6/2008 I hadn't been up in about 3 weeks. Man, you get out of shape fast. I didn't get out until almost noon, but made one run on Minnies, one on Ouzo and then six runs in the back. Thought I was gonna die. "Forever" was so good though, I just couldn't stop. Three different times, with three different lines, and all of them spectacular. On the last run though, and on the way back down, it was snowing so hard you couldn't see 100 yards. Tomorrow could be epic. Rob
1/5/2008 John Taylor (owner of 314) reported POWDER! Vail Resorts said there was only 1 inch but that was at 6am. Then it has been snowing most of the morning. 5-6 inches as of 1:30pm and still snowing. NOBODY in the back bowls. He said Seldom and Yonder were good but Faro in Game Creek wasn't the best (chunky underneath). Let's hope the snow keeps up. No lines the whole day.
1/4/2008 1 inch of new snow. Nice and warm. I dropped into Game Creek and the back bowls but perhaps that was a mistake. It was sort of crusty underneath. Nothing terrible but when I went back to the front side the snow was better. I did some bumps in Northwoods. South Rim and Prima Cornice. I saw two sets of groomers (6 cats each) during the day. One doing Ramshorn and the other Columbine. Chris R.
1/2 - 1/3/2008 None of us got to ski but the sun is out and finally warmer. Highs around 30 degrees but in the shade it is still brisk. Everyone likes the new Chair 10 and 14. No complaints from anyone. Who can gripe with sun and soft snow? But...... they are calling for fresh snow again on Sat/Sun but even warmer.
1/1/2008 Cold outside still but wonderful skiing. It is sort of a New Year's tradition for my wife to ski on January 1 and we ended up seeing quite a few friends up on the mountain. First day that local restrictions were lifted so everyone was out. Also, practically the first day of sun in a week. We mainly skied in the back doing runs in China Bowl, Red Square and on Ghengis Kahn. Our feet became really cold after 2 hours and we headed for Buffaloes to warm them up. It was packed at 2:30pm.

1/25 4-5 inches of fresh. Nice, dry and light. I had to work at 11am so only had time for 4 runs. Cry me a river, right?
1/23-24/2008 Sunshine and powder. On Wed. we were all surprised by 4-8 inches depending on where you were on the mountain. John Katapodis (owner of 207) just raved about the conditions.... "it was over my knee in places". It has been one of the best Dec/Jan in memory. Not a lot of huge powder days but just consistent. Hardly an icy day on the mountain since Dec 1st. Can it keep up? Well, perhaps more snow on Friday again. Chris R.
1/21/2008 Back into my morning routine of 5 runs before 10:30am. Great base of snow but it would be nice to receive a couple of inches of fresh to freshen up the runs. No ice mind you, but maybe I'm spoiled now after 2-3weeks of powder. Groomed runs are great but the moguls are getting harder with the cold nights. Trying to poke the moguls head on with my GS skis wasn't working. Hit some lift lines with the Martin Luther King Holiday. Chris R.
1/16 - 17, 2008 Too cold for me to ski. The snow is great but cold. Light snow each day and it is pretty dead up on the hill. If you want the mountain to yourself, now is the time.
1/15/2008 Finally a sunny (and relatively warm) day to ski. Sarah and I were planning on going up for perhaps an hour for a few runs and I stayed up for 3 hours and Sarah skied all day until the end! Dead on the hill. Never a line. Did some runs over in China Bowl and Blue Sky Basin. Sort of sad but we hadn't been over in Blue Sky for weeks. A reminder for how big the mountain is. Chris R.
1/11/2008 Ian from the front desk (he is from South Africa) said it was AMAZING! Ouzo, Chair 2 trees and Sundown bowl. He estimated it was 20 inches deep in the back where it has been piling up for days. It has been snowing pretty hard all day.
1/10 2008 I snuck out this afternoon for a couple runs. I'm afraid it's starting to sound like a broken record ... but a really good broken record. The skiing is simply awesome. Lots of face shots, which are admittedly easier when you're skiing on tele's (half a binding, half a brain). Even when I finally got out there at 2:30 I found a line in Ouzo Glade that had to be a dozen turns of untouched and DEEP. There was another spot near the gulley between Straight Shot and Windows that will also stick in my memory banks for a LONG time. What fun ... hope you can join us soon.

1/9 2008 Randi and I made some runs with Bob & Catherine Michela (518 owners) as well as Bob Magruder and Bob Sorry-I-don't-remember-his-last-name. We had a great time cutting it up in Game Creek. The skiing just doesn't get much better. I took this photo at the top of the Game Creek lift on my new iphone ... which I'm still struggling with a little. Oh well.
1/8-9 2008 No one made a report while I was out of town. Tom S. from engineering and I went up to Steamboat for a little snowmobiling. Roads were terrible. 2 hour drive to Steamboat took 3 hours. They are getting snow too but Vail had a bit more for sure. Started in Colorado near Steamboat lake and ended up in Wyoming. 60 miles round trip. Up near the border the snow was deep! On the car ride back we saw tons of deer near 4-eagle ranch. Only section of good roads were the 4 miles between Wolcott and Edwards. Chris R.
1/7/2008 Oh oh....we are getting tired. Too much snow. I did a quick run into Game Creek, over to Kangaroo, then down the old gondola line from Mid-Vail and I could barely ski. Legs were too tired from all the previous powder and we had 10 inches of snow!
1/6/2008 I hadn't been up in about 3 weeks. Man, you get out of shape fast. I didn't get out until almost noon, but made one run on Minnies, one on Ouzo and then six runs in the back. Thought I was gonna die. "Forever" was so good though, I just couldn't stop. Three different times, with three different lines, and all of them spectacular. On the last run though, and on the way back down, it was snowing so hard you couldn't see 100 yards. Tomorrow could be epic. Rob
1/5/2008 John Taylor (owner of 314) reported POWDER! Vail Resorts said there was only 1 inch but that was at 6am. Then it has been snowing most of the morning. 5-6 inches as of 1:30pm and still snowing. NOBODY in the back bowls. He said Seldom and Yonder were good but Faro in Game Creek wasn't the best (chunky underneath). Let's hope the snow keeps up. No lines the whole day.
1/4/2008 1 inch of new snow. Nice and warm. I dropped into Game Creek and the back bowls but perhaps that was a mistake. It was sort of crusty underneath. Nothing terrible but when I went back to the front side the snow was better. I did some bumps in Northwoods. South Rim and Prima Cornice. I saw two sets of groomers (6 cats each) during the day. One doing Ramshorn and the other Columbine. Chris R.
1/2 - 1/3/2008 None of us got to ski but the sun is out and finally warmer. Highs around 30 degrees but in the shade it is still brisk. Everyone likes the new Chair 10 and 14. No complaints from anyone. Who can gripe with sun and soft snow? But...... they are calling for fresh snow again on Sat/Sun but even warmer.
1/1/2008 Cold outside still but wonderful skiing. It is sort of a New Year's tradition for my wife to ski on January 1 and we ended up seeing quite a few friends up on the mountain. First day that local restrictions were lifted so everyone was out. Also, practically the first day of sun in a week. We mainly skied in the back doing runs in China Bowl, Red Square and on Ghengis Kahn. Our feet became really cold after 2 hours and we headed for Buffaloes to warm them up. It was packed at 2:30pm.
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