Employed at the Antlers since 2004, she is our reservations manager and our good friend.
I had a few questions.....and Darci had a few answers......
So where are you from originally? " I was born and raised just down the road in Eagle"
You must be a great skier? " I haven't skied since 7th grade and I only did that because my Dad made me".
So what our your hobbies? "I like to shop, but I think it's more like a habit".
What is your favorite place other than Vail? "Anywhere there are palm trees. And a beach. And pretty drinks with umbrellas in them".
What kind of car did you want for your 16th birthday? "A Ferrari 360 Modenna".
Did you get it? "No. It was a S15 pick-up, with a little rust and bald tires. I graduated to a yellow Cadilac DeVille that got no gas milage, but it had leather seats. Me and my friends were really hot in that car. I'm saving for that Ferrari".
Who is your favorite actor? "Mike Myers and any movie he is in". Ohhh Behave.
What's your sign? "I'm a Scorpio". I never would have guessed.
If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be? "Marilyn Monroe". Good answer.
What is your ultimate goal? "To retire somewhere around the age of 35, with a Ferrari in the garage".
What are you doing this weekend? "None of your business".
When you arrive, Darci will greet you with a smile. She told me that coming to work is a pleasure because of the people she works with. "We are all like family here". I am witness that she is capable of making you feel the same way.
How much fun! You should do more of these!
I LOVE So I Married An Axe Murderer!
I'm guessing that picture is a self portrait ... am I right?
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