Thursday, February 14, 2008

Employee Profile

Born Christopher Allen Ratzlaff of Waconia, Minnesota. We affectionately call him Ratz.

Ratz is a serious and responsible type person. He told his mother and father at the age of 3 that he was moving to Vail to get a job at the Antlers. His loving parents, Dale and Janette, insisted he wait until he finished college. So he was off to Saint Johns University to get his degree in Economics and then he was on his way. We're not sure of the date, but we think he drove his International Scout here when he was 11. (Actually, Ratz has been at the Antlers since 1990).

Ask him a question and the answer will be matter of fact, plain and simple. For instance; who is your favorite president? Ronnie Reagan off course. And your favorite country? He'll roll his eyes, USA. And you always wanted to be? Rich.

One of the most active people we know, he has traveled extensively to pursue his need to ski other countries, bike different mountains, and camp in different caves. He is married now girls and his lovely wife, Sara, enjoys everything he does.

As our Assistant Manager, Chris Ratzlaff is not only respected here, but through out the valley. We all know and recognize his importance in the day to day operation of the Antlers. He is also know as the Director of All Things Big and Small and is not someone that could easily be replaced; and he's a great guy.


Anonymous said...

Check your spelling Greg.

Vailmama said...

Greg, I added a picture of Ratz from the X-Mas party. Let me know if you want me to remove it.

Vailmama said...

And I checked your spelling.

Anonymous said...

I hope he never leaves. He has always been a pleasant presence at the Antler's, both kind and helpful, always with a smile.
Again a creative and fun post by the author.

peisenach1 said...

I've been an Antlers regular for at least a dozen years. Why? The DOATB&S. Rat, you are The Man!

The Cheese Man