Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Eagle Valley Alliance for Sustainability

Evelyn and I recently went to a program put on by the Eagle Valley Alliance for Sustainability. Matt Scherr runs that organization and what a saint he his ... talk about good karma. This particular program had three different developers speaking, but each with an eye towards sutainable communities, both environmentally as well as socially. Jonathan Robert, the guy from McStain homes, in Denver was great. I didn't realize how many cool things that company does in their home building efforts. He referred to some of it as "good weird" which was fitting. Stuff like giving away a year's worth of wind energy credits and a Vespa when you buy one of their homes, rather than the traditional discount on closing fees, or whatever.
There was also a guy who called himself Farmer John (don't remember his real last name) but he's hoping to develop a subdivision near Buena Vist with it's on self-sustaining farm. Pretty bold. All in all the program was great and it made me proud to be alligned with them. Now that we're a finalist for the Green Business of the Year in the Vail Valley, it's even more gratifying to work together. We host their speakers on a comp basis whenever necessary and for that they call us the "Official Hotel of EVAS". It's all fun.

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