Friday, December 7, 2007

'SnowWitch' joins you today to divulge some hidden pleasures in early December skiing at Vail!!

Ski early in the day - you'll get some powder runs and the slopes won't be crowded (I know, it's torture to get up early when out here on vacation....unless you're from the East Coast and then it seems like it is mid-day at 9 am!!)
Ski front-side at Vail when there is new powder - everyone else will be in Gamecreek Bowl.....and you'll have Lodgepole and Christmas to yourself!
Take advantage of early-bird or early season restaurant discounts - often 30% off entres is offered
Stop for a break at Wildwood - their apple pie is the best (with whipped cream of course!)

More later - good skiing!!


Antlers at Vail said...

You are correct on the "ski the front when powder". Or even down low. Today 12/7 all the locals were at Chair 11, Game Creek and Mid-Vail area and everything got tracked out right away. But when I was skiing down to the base, 1/2 the runs were untracked! I guess I wasted half my day racing for powder in the wrong areas.

Vailmama said...

Who the heck is Snow Witch?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was wondering the exact same thing...

RATZCO said...

I know, but I'm not telling