Monday, December 17, 2007

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

This year I procrastinated a little too long on the Christmas decorations, I think. Usually, we have a very intricate Christmas village set up in our lobby but lots of the pieces got broken last year and I just plain waited too long to put it up this year and now I feel that it wouldn't be "worth it" to put it up just for two weeks. I was starting to get a little stressed about it until an idea came to me in a dream. I dreamed that we had a tree in the lobby covered in nothing but candy canes, and then I made it happen! I put up this little sign to let people our candy is for sharing: So far, people seem disappointed with the absence of lights (but there were none in my dream!) so I may have to add some. What do you think?

12/23/7 Update: The tree has been a big success; I had to go to the store today to buy a second round of candy canes because they all got eaten!


Antlers at Vail said...

I say add the lights. It looks great during the day, but at night it looks a little plain.

Anonymous said...

I vote for lights, too! Holiday decor just isn't the same without lights.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see lights. In the meantime, I'm coming over for dessert! Very cute idea.

Vailmama said...

Lights it is! I'll have to get some post haste.

Anonymous said...

I think we did a great job decorating! Lights would look good too, hopefully they don't melt all the candy canes ;) Can we keep the tree up until January 5th for my bday?! :)

Anonymous said...

what about keeping it until January 9th... for MY birthday?!?

your TsunamyCountryGirl